Privacy Policy


Cette politique fixe la manière dont nous traitons l’information que nous recueillons à votre sujet quand vous visitez notre site.

This website is the property of the LES SŒURS PANTHERES company.

Protecting the privacy and personal data of our visitors is of utmost importance to us.

It is an important aspect of the way we create, organise and implement our activities on-line and off-line. To maintain maximum protection on the personal data which we process, our website and its managing entity will comply to the principles set out in:

  • The recommendation from the Meeting of the OECD about the guidelines governing privacy protection and cross-border personal data flows (C(80)58/FINAL).
  • UE directive 95/46/CE on personal data protection
  • French law 78-17 amended by Law 2004-801 of 06/08/2004 (called “Loi Informatique et Libertés”, information technology and liberties law) and its implementing decree


Il n’est pas indispensable de s’inscrire sur notre site. Vous pouvez consulter celui-ci même si vous ne souhaitez pas vous inscrire ou fournir d’informations personnelles, mais dans ce cas, vous ne pourrez pas recevoir nos bulletins d’information par courrier électronique.

Personal data

“Personal data” means all the data that we are likely to record through our various forms and which can be used to identify you.

Concrètement, cela peut aller de la simple adresse e-mail ou de votre numéro de téléphone en passant par vos noms, prénoms, date de naissance et adresse postale encore à des données plus « sensibles » comme des informations sur votre activité (interactions avec notre site, adresse IP, système d’exploitation et navigateur utilisés). Ces informations sont collectées à des fins marketing et de création de contrat et de factures des différents services proposés par FEIDT PARIS.

Data collected on the website

When you fill in one of our forms, the following data can be collected and/or recorded:

For a natural person:

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Postal address

For a company:

  • Company name

Ces données sont utilisées pour nous permettre d’établir une facture et l’acheminement des marchandises que nous vendons.

Some data can also be collected automatically as a result of your actions on the website (see the section on cookies below).

The collected data cannot in any way include sensitive personal data, such as government identifiers (social security numbers, driver’s licenses or taxpayer identification numbers), complete numbers of personal credit card or bank account, medical records or information relating to requests for care associated with persons.

Collection and consent

All forms on the FEIDT PARIS( comply with the GDPR.

Also, when you fill in one of our forms, you acknowledge that you have read this privacy policy and agree that FEIDT PARIS may collect, process, store and/or use such personal data, in compliance with the privacy and security rules set forth below.

Identity and entity in charge of the processing of your personal data

All personal data are collected on our website by the LES SŒURS PANTHERES company with registered office at 12 Rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris and registered with the RCS of Paris under number 495 286 197, represented by Mrs. Muriel FEIDT

Recipient of the data collected on the website

Les données personnelles vous concernant collectées sur notre site sont destinées à l’utilisation exclusives de l’entreprise LES SŒURS PANTHERES

The FEIDT PARIS database is only used by FEIDT PARIS which agrees not to sell, rent, share or disclose your personal data to third parties. Its treatment is secure and confined to an internal network.

The information collected on this website is the subject of a computer processing for the commercial and marketing activities of the company.

Processing, storing and security of your personal data

All your personal data is processed, stored and used with all the necessary security by FEIDT PARIS via a private server based in France.

This data can, depending on your actions on our website, be also stored, managed and used by third-party tools, necessary for the proper functioning of our activities.

We also ensure that these tools meet the standards set by the new General Data Protection Regulation, which has been in force since 25 May 2018 in the European Union.

Third-party tools used

Depending on your actions/requests on our website, several third-party tools are likely to collect, store, manage and use your data.

WordPress : 

Notre solution e-commerce qui permet d’héberger notre site Web (voir la politique de confidentialité). Les informations récoltées par les formulaires du site sont stockées sur une machine privée et sécurisée. Cette machine est hébergée en France par le tiers PlanetHoster (serveurs localisés en France).

Google Analytics :

The analysis solution offering metrics and behavioural information about the website’s visitors (origin, operating systems, browser used, daily frequency, etc.).

Facebook Connect :

This solution includes interoperability with the social network and allows us to sync our online shop on our Facebook page.

Hotjar :

This service helps us analyse users’ behaviour and enhance the website’s engineering and browsing experience.

Online communication 

Your email address is only used to communicate the following information:

  • Your account was successfully created
  • An order has been confirmed
  • A link to the password change process
  • Marketing communications if you subscribed to our newsletter.

For more info about the emails or the processing and storage of your data, please email

Link status

The specific practices described in this privacy policy are only relevant to the above-mentioned website. Third-party links from other entities related to FEIDT PARIS may be found on our website for editorial, partnership or advertising purposes. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies or content of third-party websites.

Article 1 : Cookies

In some cases, FEIDT PARIS may be required to use cookies, as well as tracking code for certain tools.

Please also note that a cookie called “tracker” is like a text file stored on the user’s device containing information about their Web browsing activity - pages viewed, date and time of visit, preferred settings on the visited websites, presence on social networks through the share buttons, etc.

Please note that the shelf life of such “cookies” in the user’s computer cannot exceed one month. The user’s consent regarding the use of cookies by the website is valid for up to 13 months, as per article 32-II of the law of 6 January 1978, as amended by order No. 2011-1012 of 24 August 2011. After such period, the user will be required to confirm their content again or not.

The user may, if they so wish, object to the setting up of cookies. To that end, they may

  • either reject the use of the cookies on their first connection to the website by clicking on the relevant banner, in which case we will no longer be able to offer them all the features of our website or even keep certain parts accessible,
  • or set up their Web browser via the appropriate settings (disabling cookies, choosing a private secure browsing, setting up a “high confidentiality” level, etc.).

Certains services que vous utilisez exigent la collecte et la conservation d’un certain nombre d’éléments reconnus automatiquement. Le recueil de ces données se fait au moyen de cookies, destinés à améliorer nos services, et pouvant servir également à l’établissement de statistiques. Un cookie est un élément de données envoyé sur votre navigateur depuis un site internet et qui est enregistré sur votre disque dur.

Ces informations, qui ne peuvent être utilisées et analysées que sous forme agrégée, nous servent à mieux comprendre certaines tendances et certains profils d’utilisation. Elles ne sont jamais traitées individuellement. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que les informations liées à votre visite soient utilisées de cette manière, vous pouvez désactiver vos cookies.

Des cookies Google Analytics  sont présents sur notre site; ils servent notamment à enregistrer le mot de passe du visiteur afin qu’il n’ait pas à le re-saisir à chaque nouvelle visite. Ces cookies peuvent comprendre les informations suivantes :

IP address

Certaines catégories demandées lors d’une inscription: Nom, Prénom, Adresse Email, Date de naissance,…

  • Si l’utilisateur a coché la case « retenir l’identifiant et le mot de passe », ces deux éléments sont codés et ajoutés au « cookie ».
  • Si un utilisateur inscrit dans l’un de nos espaces privés revient sur le site sans s’identifier, les éléments inscrits dans le « cookie » permettent de le reconnaître (sauf s’il a effacé manuellement les cookies, auquel cas le serveur va générer automatiquement un nouveau cookie).

Below is a list of some of the other cookie settings which we are using:

Google analytics

Nous vous informons que vous pouvez vous opposer à l’enregistrement de « cookies » en configurant votre navigateur. Pour connaître la démarche à suivre selon le navigateur que vous utilisez, veuillez consulter la rubrique d’aide de celui-ci.

If you wish to disable Google Analytics, please visit

Technical guidance to disable cookies can be found on

The help sections of your browser will also explain how to disable cookies. Below are links to the help sections of the most popular browsers:

Google chrome  

Mozilla Firefox  

Internet explorer


This website was registered to the Commission nationale informatique et libertés (French national commission for IT and individual liberties) under no. 1815523 v 0.

FEIDT PARIS collects personal data in order to offer the products and services the user wishes, as well as information about other products and services offered by the company. FEIDT PARIS may also need to collect certain personal data due to legal requirements.

Le renseignement des informations nominatives collectées dans le cadre de la vente à distance est obligatoire, ces informations étant nécessaires pour le traitement et la livraison des commandes ainsi que pour l’établissement des factures. Ces informations sont strictement confidentielles. Le défaut de renseignement implique le rejet automatique de la commande. Conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés modifiée, du 6 janvier 1978, le traitement des informations nominatives collectées sur le Site a fait l’objet d’une déclaration auprès de la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés,

FEIDT PARIS undertakes to protect the privacy and security of personal data. FEIDT PARIS will only collect, use and disclose personal data in compliance with applicable regulations.

FEIDT PARIS’ use of personal data includes:

  • confirming item purchase orders and/or discount vouchers;
  • providing a copy of the newsletter;
  • maintaining, updating and operating the user’s account on;
  • maintaining, operating and improving the systems;
  • improving the website, including by adapting it to the use, history and preferences; and
  • providing the users with information about products, shop launches, events or any other information.

The recipients of personal data are authorised employees from FEIDT PARIS’ marketing, commercial, technical or IT departments, or any organisation related to the FEIDT PARIS company, as well as employees of our legal teams and management, if necessary.

Such data may also be communicated to our contractors and partners as part of the processing of your order.

Personal data provided to the website are hosted by OVH.

Minors’ data protection

L’usage de notre site est réservé aux personnes majeures. Toute collecte de données pouvant être effectuée auprès de mineurs doit faire l’objet d’une information de l’autorité parentale, qui a la capacité de s’opposer à tout traitement concernant lesdites données.

However, any adult with parental authority may, under their responsibility, offer our website and related services for use to their minor child.

The LES SŒURS PANTHERES company cannot be held responsible for any collection, without its knowledge, of a minor’s personal data without authorisation from a parent.

The parent’s right to object shall then rightfully apply.

Visitor’s freedom of choice

Nous collectons des données nominatives, si elles sont fournies volontairement, lorsque vous utiliser nos services. Vous pouvez choisir de créer un espace privé sur notre site, de recevoir des courriers promotionnels ou d’information marketing de nous-mêmes ou de nos partenaires en choisissant les options désirées au moment de votre inscription.

If you do not wish to receive promotional information from us and newsletter, please unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the newsletters. You may also notify us using the email address specified in the “legal notices” section.

Right of access, rectification, deletion

In compliance with the “Informatique et libertés” (IT and individual liberties) law 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data by sending a letter or email to:

12 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris or

You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of your personal data.

Regarding the right of access:

  • Before we send you personal data, we shall ask you to provide proof of your identity.
  • Si vous n’êtes pas en mesure de prouver votre identité, nous nous réservons le droit de refuser de vous envoyer les données personnelles vous concernant.

We strive to respond to these requests in a reasonable time.

Regarding the rights of rectification and deletion, the preconditions are identical to those of the right of access.


The creation of new services on our website may require changes to this data protection policy. We shall then record such changes in this section. We shall also declare such changes to the CNIL, should they require it.

On the other hand, in case of even minimal modification, we undertake to inform you by email or via our website, at least 30 days (as far as possible) to the application of such changes.

We also advise you to check this page on a regular basis in order to stay informed in real time of our procedures and rules relating to your personal data.


If you have any question regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at